Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Poetry Cover :)

My poetry cover is very simple and easy to follow. It’s basically a ‘What you see is what you get’ kind of picture. Before I began working on this assignment, I brain stormed for ideas of how to portray ones thoughts, expressions and poetry. Well, you can portray thoughts and expressions though poetry, so how do you describe or show poetry? You are able to describe what’s on your mind, how your feeling through a pen and paper. Write it down, draw it out or create a diary. I’m not a big fan of reading, but I have read the Twilight Saga, and the author came up with the story through her dreams. She expressed her dreams through a book which became number one. You can also draw, paint, or mold what’s on your mind. Thoughts may also be called imagining. You can imagine things and picture them in your mind and then get it onto something someone else can see. That way they can understand what is going on through your mind. The hardest part in doing that is getting what’s in your mind, onto paper. After I grabbed all the photos I needed for this assignment, I made it so that it was easy to follow with your eyes. Starting from writing, painting, drawing, molding, doodling and story writing. I made sure each of the photos were the same height and width, then added on a light border. On the left hand bottom corner I added in a stack of books, because those basically summarizes everything in a nutshell. The large pen that’s more on the right side of the photo is the most common and fastest way to express yourself. Overall I am very satisfied with the outcome!

1 comment:

  1. You've thought this through very well Karina. the images are well chosen and I think the big pen on an angle is very effective.

    The only issue is that when resizing the images you've stretched them out of proportion. The best way to get them all the same size is to "crop" them. As me to demonstrate if you don't know what I mean.
